Strengthening the Implementation of OBE Curriculum, English Education Department Benchmarking to Yogyakarta State University (UNY).

TBI FITK UIN Malang – English Education Department (TBI) FITK UIN Maliki Malang continues to strengthen the implementation of the OBE (Outcome Based Education) standardized curriculum. Together with seven other study programs, today they carry out curriculum benchmarking which is packaged in the form of an “Outcome Based Education (OBE) Based Study Program Curriculum Workshop” at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) for a day, Friday (3/17/2023).

This Curriculum Workshop is an effort made by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan Sciences, in order to support the accreditation of International Reputation Excellence for all Study Programs. Each study program sent a delegation of lecturer representatives to jointly support this activity. Tadris English Study Program was represented directly by the Secretary of TBI, Maslihatul Bisriyah, M.TESOL, and several other TBI lecturers.  The entire team from FITK UIN Malang was received directly by the Deputy Dean of FIPP UNY. H. Nur Ali, M.Pd gave a speech at the opening ceremony of this Curriculum Workshop.  In his remarks he said, “In the next five years, what is needed by the community? This is a reference for preparing the curriculum or program organized by state universities”. He hopes that with this activity, all study programs at FITK can adjust the curriculum according to the needs of the community and current conditions. In addition, he also expressed his hope that after participating in this activity all Lecturers of each Study Program could contribute in order to achieve Superior Accreditation.

The next speech was from the Deputy Dean for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Cepi Safrudin, A.J., M.Pd from the Faculty of Education and Psychology UNY, in his speech conveyed the importance of innovation in teaching. “Do not force your children to follow your footsteps, they were created to live in their time, not yours” quoting from Socrates written by Imam Ahmad al-Syahrastani. In his view, many things have changed and shifted, from digital to the ideals and outlook on life of today’s children. This OBE is part of following the maqolah or quote from Socrates, to educate children according to their times and not impose old ways on current conditions if they are no longer relevant.

In the workshop session, the first material was about sundries and an overview of FIPP UNY Management, delivered by Dr. Joko Pamungkas, M.Pd as Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems and Business. The second material was delivered by Dr. Ali Muhtadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. about Higher Education Curriculum Review. Ali Muhtadi explained that OBE is essentially about what graduates can do, how to produce long-term oriented outcomes. Furthermore, Ali Muhtadi added that the Prodi Profile in five years should have changed, according to the needs of the times. This is the basis for the Outcome Based Education (OBE) based curriculum. Starting with a clear picture of the important abilities that students can do when they graduate. The concept of outcome-based education (OBE) needs to pay attention to four things, namely the Institution, Study Program, Curriculum, and Community. In closing, FITK Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Muhammad Walid, MA gave a briefing on the follow-up of the Curriculum Workshop activities. He hopes that all lecturers from each study program can be actively involved in the preparation of this Outcome Base Education-based curriculum.


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